Silverchair Rio: Hello, we're happy to be here with you!
OnlineHost: Thank you very much, the first question from the audience is:

Question: Hey Daniel, Ben, Chris. Just wondering how you would feel if silverchair fans started a boycot against best of vol 1?
Silverchair Rio: If you want it that is fine...

Question: Hey Daniel, are you considering making a full album with Paul Mac, and releasing singles from it. By the way, I can't believe it's not rock is awesome!
Silverchair Rio: Daniel won't be doing an album with Paul Mac, he may do some more writing in the future...

Question: Do you guys visit often?
Silverchair Rio: sometimes... I've done the quiz on there and got heaps wrong...

Question: After not playing together for a year, did you guys feel that you still had it and that it was the same as before, or were you gusy a bit rusty?
Silverchair Rio: We are playing better now than we were playing before

Question: When did you start to play guitar Daniel?
Silverchair Rio: Daniel started playing when he was around 10 or 11 years old.

Question: Is there anything you regret doing in your career?
Silverchair Rio: no.

Question: hey you guys,what can we expect from you on an up coming album ?
Silverchair Rio: we only have 2 songs so far. Daniel has more songs that we haven't rehersed yet...

Question: Which do you prefer: playing festivals, or doing your own shows?
Silverchair Rio: we like both, it just depends on the crowd, if the crowd loves it, we love it.

Question: Do you think any less of the fans that have bought the best of album?
Silverchair Rio: no, not at all. its still our music and we're proud of it.

Question: Hi Chris, Daniel and Ben, I`m gonna ask u, when u`ll come to Germany again?
Silverchair Rio: hopefully we'll go everywhere sometime later this year...

Question: How' the new album gonna be like? Same stream as Neon Ballroom or completely different?
Silverchair Rio: its too early to say... but I would say it will be stightly different from Neon Ballroom. We always love to try new stuff.

Question: I know that this is the biggest show of your careers. Are you nervous? Or has playing live in front of thousands of people not phase you a bit anymore? Beings you have been doing it for such a long time. I want to wish you luck on your big night!
Silverchair Rio: thanks... yeah, we're really looking forward to it, and we probably will be nervous when we're standing there just about to go on.

Question: Are you planning to tour this year and if so when will you be in the US?
Silverchair Rio: we'll try to get there this year... its more than likely.

Question: Daniel....will your new experimentations with music(ICBINR) influence the direction of silverchair in the future?
Silverchair Rio: if you're talking about "I Can't Believe Its Not Rock", the new stuff might be in that kind of stuff...

Question: If and when you guys have time while touring, what do you do for fun?
Silverchair Rio: drink... surf... watch TV... eat food... anything.

Question: Daniel, are you still thinking of moving to New York for a coupla of months to finish up the next album? One Way Mule is amazing, by the way!! ~Jesacah~
Silverchair Rio: don't know...

Question: Ben and/or Chris do you plan on doing or have you done any side project like Daniel?
Silverchair Rio: yes, we've both been doing a lot of writing, hopefully we'll both put something out as a side project.

Question: I just wanted to tell Ben that I think he is an amazing drummer! Should we exspect a little different style of drumming coming up on the new album they are working on?
Silverchair Rio: we've only done 2 songs, but I'll see what I can do.

Question: Daniel, if you were to describe the songs that you have been writing for the next album, what would you say it sounds like?
Silverchair Rio: the 2 news songs aren't a true intication... there are some mellow songs as well, but you'll have to wait and see...

Question: Daniel what was it like working with Paul Mac and do you plan to work with anyone else?
Silverchair Rio: possibly, mainly "Chair" stuff at the moment.

Question: If you guys could have 3 wishes, what would they be and why?
Silverchair Rio: 1) wish for more wishes. because you always have to wish for more wishes...
Silverchair Rio: 2) that I could fly. because I want to.
Silverchair Rio: 3) that where I live has perfect surf everyday. (from Ben)

Question: Since you guys have all ben friends and seen each other grow over the years, are you guys proud of one another's musical capabilites along with anything else in general you are proud of?
Silverchair Rio: yeah, of course we are! We're proud of each other and we're proud of what we've achieved!

Question: Hey chris, ben and daniel!!!! I just wanna say CONGRATS for everything!!! I hope u have a good time doing ROCK IN RIO and hurry up and do a concert on sydney... HEHEHE!!!!!!
Silverchair Rio: you should've come to Melbourne!!

Question: Daniel: Will you ever consider publishing your poetry?
Silverchair Rio: don't know...

Question: Because you are insanely popular in australia, do you ever feel like you get less respect as artists in america than you do back home?
Silverchair Rio: no, we get respected in the US.

Question: Are Chris and Ben contributing to the writing of the new album?
Silverchair Rio: no, but we're doing writing on our own.

Question: daniel: was there any moment during all the hype you've received that you regretted being in a band and wanted to call it quits with silverchair?
Silverchair Rio: yes, sure. But I love Chris and Ben so much... how could I leave them?

OnlineHost: We would like to thank Silverchair for being here today live from the *** Rock in Rio Music Festival ***
Silverchair Rio: I love everyone in the entire world, and I will personally thank everyone when they purchase our next album. Good night!

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