Winnipeg (Edgefest), July 7, 1999


It's hard to type down in words silverchair's performance yesterday at EdgeFest in Winnipeg Manitoba. They were just as great as when I saw them on March 26th in Vancouver, B.C.

We arrived at Assiniboia downs at about 10 o'clock even thought the gates didn't open until 12 noon. We didn't get in until about ten to one even though we were practically at the front of the line. Me, Carlea, Nadine, and Shannon looked around for a while saw some bands....blah blah blah. Then finally at about 5:30pm after Matthew good Band came on, silverchair came on. I was so psyched to see them I can't remember what they started with because I was so into the moshpit which was crazy!

Here is a list a songs that I can remember they played, not in order though. Emotion sickness, Madman, Freak, Anthem For The Year 2000, Ana's Song (Open Fire), The Door, Israel's Son, and that's all I can remember. Oh yeah, and during a short version of Tommorow they broke it to Satin Sheets, which was awesome. The whole show was great with no technical difficulties. But Daniel must of been ticked off sometimes because he kept on whispering to him self stuff like motherfucker etc. I read his lips that's how I know.

During their set someone threw a bottle on stage and Daniel said something like " you shouldn't through bottles on stage, be free or something" then he gently threw it to some guy on stage. Daniel was doing this weird thing to the speakers, he wasn't touching them but he was kind of dancing, facing them and swinging his arms around. here is list of quotes I can remember from him!

1) " Winnipeg the windiest place in Canada"

2) "Who here's name is Christian?" a girl puts up her hand and says "Me," then Dan says "a girl with the name Christian? What a butchy name!"

3) " Who here believes in Satan?" I was at the second row so I scream at the top of my lungs "Me" and put up my hand. Then he says "everywhere we go there's always more tons of people who believe in Satan. "Who here believes in Mortal Kombat?" everyone says "Me!"

4) "Can I get a hallelujah?" everyone says it. Than Daniel says" C'mon, you have to beat Toronto, (he probably meant Barrie) say it louder! "Hallelujah," everyone screams it. "hallej~fucking~lujah" once again everyone says it.

That's all I can remember for now for quotes. Also Daniel kept on cracking his jaw and moving his head around, he must of been sore!

I was very sad when they left because they had such a kick ass performance. Everyone was screaming "silverchair, silverchair etc. But they never came on. Than I yelled " Bring on Silverchair" It was really weird, when they were first setting up for silverchair everyone was screaming when they saw Daniel's guitar. I got good pictures of them, hopefully they develop okay, 'cause my camera kept on getting sprayed with water. SILVERCHAIR PLEASE COME TO WINNIPEG AGAIN CUZ YOU ROCK!!!!

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