Tokyo, April 2, 1996

silverchair's first appearance in Japan was a rockin' success as fans packed the Shinjuku Liquid Room in Tokyo on 2 April.

Kaori Yasuno, Tokyo correspondent for the innocent criminals home page, sat in the second row in front of the small stage. She said the band played four new songs which were well received by the audience. The sound quality in the overheated venue was excellent, and silverchair played for more than an hour.

Kaori reported that singer/guitarist Daniel Johns used the inhaler which he carries to combat asthma. The crowded, undersized room may have made it difficult for him to breathe.

After the show, road crew members distributed guitar picks, broken drum sticks, and song lists to members of the appreciative audience, including Kaori, who received one of Daniel's picks.

The band moved on for a show in Osaka before returning to Australia.

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