Yahoo Chat with Silverchair
Hosted by House of Blues
November 19, 1999

Hob Hostess: Welcome silverchair!
Hob Hostess: They have arrived!
Steffsie_81: If (God Forbid) silverchair didn't exist, what do you think you all would be doing right now?
Ben: College education
bear_28539: silverchair in your opinion what is your best album?
Chris: Neon Ballroom, due to the fact of having time to improve
blink_gurl84: Who are your musical influences?
Ben: John Bonham from Led Zeppelin
Chris: Anything from blues to rock.
Steffsie_81: If you all could perform with anyone, be it fictional, living or non-living, who would it be?
Ben: Led Zeppelin
Chris: Same (Led Zeppelin)
youmailedBEN: hey I was wondering if you of you guys are into the internet now?
Chris: Ben and myself are regular internet users.
im_raf: Do you guys ever go to chat rooms?
Ben: Occasionally I do go into chat rooms.
Chris: No, I don't use chat rooms.
Hollister82: How did the name Neon Ballroom come about?
Chris: Through the name of the album...Ballroom classical and all the string arrangemetns that went onto the album.
silverhcairjodie: If you were allowed to cover any song out there what would it be and why?
Chris: I wouldn't have a clue.
Ben: Custard Pie (Led Zeppelin)
SLVRCHR15: What's the meaning behind Dearest Helpless?
Chris: We really can't tell you that...It's classified.
Trinity1000_99: How has fame influenced your life in the past 2 years?
Chris: I don't know if it's really fame...I classify it as that Jackson Five. It really hasn't changed my life.
babydoll_bitch: Being on the road with blink-182 and Fenix you feel that you are being respected at shows by both crowds?
Ben: Yes, I think we are being respected at the concerts...there has been few dickheads at the concerts. But other than that it has been really good.
Chapsman14: When did u start writing music?
Ben: Daniel and I used to write little rap songs at the age of nine.
Pearlchameleon7: What was it like working with Nick Launay?
Chris: Working with Nick is great becuase we were on the same wave legnth and he understood what we were aiming for.
NikeWare: What might the next single be?
Chris: I don't think there is going to be another single/
Ben: If there is another one it will be Paint Pastel Princess.
SLVRCHR15: What do you think is your most controversial song?
Chris: I suppose there are quite a few but I think people are mislead by them all.
Ben: I don't think we have a most controversial song.
im_raf: What do you think about the mp3's and the free digital music trading on the net?
Chris: I suppose it is just a matter of time before it is up and running. I think it can work out really well.
Ceramoon: What is the funniest thing that has happened recently on your tour?
Ben: I think the internet is the wave of the future. But I think it is best to go to the store
Ben: I spewed on someone.
Kallie17: How do you come up with your lyrics? Are they all from experiences? I know Ana's Song is but any others?
Chris: I suppose you have to ask Daniel that.
silverhcair_girliex: are you planning on making music after you finish with all the Neon Ballroom promotional stuff?
Ben: Yes, I think we probably will keep making music, but I don't think we'll go back into the studio right away.
violetkyee: Hey guys, I heard you have an unreleased song called Without You? What can you tell me about that? thanx!
Chris: we might just have a song like that. i suppose it's good to have a couple extra songs up your sleeve for soundtracks and movies.
Julien13: How did you get the idea of forming a band when you were barely 15?
Ben: I guess we all just played instruments and we were just large music fans and started a band.
porn_chick_2: What is the most crazy thing a fan has done to get your attention?
Chris: The craziest thing a fan has done would have to be, I don't know I have never seen anything real crazy.
Ben: Some females like to get attention by showing off their mamory glands.
xertox: What are the biggest misconceptions you feel people have about you guys as a band and as individuals?
Ben: Definitely not having small penis's
sweep422: How are you getting along with blink 182 and fenix tx?
Chris: We;re getting along good with the other bands it is different than what were used too
Ben: we known the blink for a while so it was easy for us
tessa_andrea: What is the concept behind the new video for Miss You Love
CHris: The concept for that video the out like of the song, a small movie really.
Emotion sickness girl: About controversial songs- how did you feel when they edited you in Atalnta this summer?
Ben: We didn't know it was edited
Ladyfingers 45-99: What do you think about so called boy bands?
Chris: Boy bands, I find it odd that they don't sing their own songs
Ben: I don't like boy bands. Don't like what they do.
Babydoll_bitch: Whats your favorite song to perform live?
Chris: I suppose mine would have to be spawn.
Ben: Spawn would have to one of my favorites as well, there all fun though.
perfect_day_elise: are you involved in any movement groups like aides or something?
Chris: I am not involved in any at all
Ben: me neither
Shakemyspeare: Neon Ballroom sounded like you were experimenting with a lot of different styles. have you guys settled on a style or is that something you'll just never define?
Chris: I suppose it would be silly to say we settled on a style as influences always change. we change as people therefore the music is going to change.
Ben: we don't like to pigeon hole ourselves, we like to try all styles.
no1stpfreak: what do you guys plan to do after your current tour is finished?
Chris: I plan to hang about and not making any commitments
Ben: we have some shows planed when we get home, then relax
Freakabuser: If for any reason you had to get one body part pierced, what would you have done?
Ben: penis's
Paint pastel princess you guys miss being away from Australia or is touring just a natural thing now?
chris: yeah you do miss beign away from home there are those small qualities you dont get over here
Arapax_23: which country are you guys more openly welcomed other than Australia?
Ben: America
Turtle1227: If you had to pick one song that describes your life the most what would it be and why?
chris: I suppose stairway to heaven because your life is just one long journye
ben: king of the mountain
Chris: keep going don't think you have to fit into something special. if you think it is good it is good.
babydoll_bitch: Have you guys thought about making another home video like outtakes and misstakes?
crazyandstuff: is it true that you guys are taking 9 months off to write another album?
Ben: yes, as a matter of fact there is a video coming out you will hear about in the future.
Chris: there is no time limit. we are going to take some time off and see what comes
silver13sassy: what are your feelings about Y2K?
Ben: my feelings on Y2k is I think some computer systems might shut down but other than that a normal year.
one-NZ- chick: does it bother you that the songs on the new album are being played on mainstream radio?
Chris: I think as long as they're getting played it is only anohther source of your song getting out there.
steffsie-81: what do you guys have planned for New Years?
Ben: Acutally we were going to do a show but we decided against to be home and party.
silverchairbabe2: what do you say to people that still call you Nirvana and Pearl Jam ripoffs?
Chris: Don't really say much to them but is just water on a ducks back.
Ben: they can shove a cork up their ass.
trinity1000_99: Do you feel you have to have two personalities- one in the public eye and one for your private life?
Chris: no I am a one personality person.
Ben: there are stuff you do around your friends you wouldn't do in front of a camera.
rose doll in pajamas: who designed the Neon Ballroom cover?
Ben: I love you all we have to go now, bye bye

[Thanks to Katherine Waddell and Maggie Kravat for the transcript.]

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