The Confession Box: The Cutting Edge Questionnaire
Raw Magazine
By Mel Bradman
September 27, 1995

Who did you admire when you were a kid?
Anyone who played football.

What do people ask you when they first meet you?
"How are you?"

If your house caught on fire, what would you save first?
My guitar.

Do you travel on public transport?
Yeah, quite a bit, on buses, taxis... nobody recognizes me.

If you gave up the music business, what would you do?
Play football.

What's the best thing about being in silverchair?
Playing gigs, having fun.

Has your mother ever seen you play, and what did she think?
Yep, she doesn't mind us. She doesn't dance, she just sits and smiles.

What do you think of body piercing?
It's OK, I just can't be bothered doing it myself. I can't even be bothered be bothered to get my ears pierced.

What do you regret about your past?
Nothing. I've done heaps of dumb things, but I don't really care.

Does having sex in peculiar places turn you on?

If a waitress in a restaurant asks you what your band sounds like, what do you tell her?
It's just rock 'n' roll.

What do you wear in bed?
A pair of board shorts and a T-shirt.

Favourite person in the world?
Page Hamilton. Helmet's my favourite band.

And your least favourite persons?
Ben and Chris.

What kind of a drunk are you?
I'm not answering that 'cos my mum might read it.

How much does a CD cost in the shops?
$30 in Australia.

Have you ever quit a job in spectacular fashion?
No, 'cos we started the band when I was 12.

Describe your ideal date?
Going to a Helmet gig, or sitting at home doing nothing.

Who is your favourite soap character?
I hate soaps. I only watch them when I'm really bored and vegging out.

Which album do you hide at the back of your collection?
None, because I only started getting records when I was 12. I started listening to Deep Purple, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin and I still like all that stuff.

Where, when and at what age did you lose your virginity?
I'm not answering that question 'cos my mum's gonna read this. I'll get in trouble.

Most stupid thing you've done on stage?
When we were playing in France I had to stop and put my guitar down and run backstage to take a piss. I left Ben and Chris standing there for about three minutes. I just couldn't wait.

Will the growth of MTV and computer games eventually wipe out live music?
Not really. MTV promotes music -- it's where people discover new bands, then they'll go out and see them live. Computer games won't wipe out live music because they're two completely different things. It's like saying sport is gonna wipe out music.

Which band/star would you least like to share a dressing room with?
I don't know any famous people, so I can't say. Just any band that's got members that are really full of themselves and think they're better than anyone else.

How did you find out about the birds and the bees?
I just listened to people talking about it.

Worst thing about being in silverchair?
Going on lots of planes, waking up really early, never seeing new countries apart from the concert venue.

How would you describe yourself on a computer dating form?
I wouldn't be able to think of anything good to say. I'd have to make it up.

Do you know how much a T-shirt costs at one of your gigs?
About $20.

What do you argue with your band members about?
We don't have serious arguments. We just muck around, and decide who's gonna hit who first.

What pre-gig rituals do you observe?
We sit in a room, chucking food and drink at each other. We push each other and try to hurt each other before we go on stage.

Groupies -- a good or bad thing?
They're all right. We don't have any. I don't really know what they are. (Interrogator enquires what Daniel would say if one approached him.) I'd say, "Hi."

Do you sympathize with tortured artists like Eddie Vedder or Kurt Cobain?
I don't know a lot about them, so I can't really say. I'm sure that it was really bad for Eddie and Kurt 'cos they're really big and everyone knows who they are, so I can sympathize. I wouldn't have any advice to give Eddie, 'cos he knows more than me.

If an audience member has paid 15 pounds to see silverchair, have they the right to heckle you?
We only charge about $15 (approx. 7 pounds), but whoever comes can do whatever they want. It doesn't bother me. If they want to come and waste their money I don't care. It could be pretty fun. I'm the one with the mic!

Favourite chat-up line?
I'd just look at them and hope for the best.

Drugs -- a good or bad thing?
It depends on what you want to do with your life. Take them if you like, it's up to the individual.

Who would you take on the pub crawl from hell?
Anyone that wanted to come.

Biggest fear?
The earth blowing up.

Have you ever been arrested?
I've been fined $40 for not wearing my helmet on my pushbike. (Interrogator enquires if this made Daniel learn his lesson.) Not really.

If the tables were turned what would you ask me, as a journalist?
Have you met Page Hamilton? (No. - Mel)

Proudest moment of your life?
Getting a good guitar about five months ago. It used to be Page Hamilton's. I got it through the same company he gets his guitars from and they told me that he traded it in so I could have it. I use it on stage.



Daniel Johns - guitar/vocals
Ben Gillies - drums
Chris Joannou - bass


Pure Massacre (June '95)
Tomorrow (August '95)

frogstomp (September '95)


Daniel Johns was born on April 22, 1978 in Newcastle, Australia -- where he still lives. He formed silverchair (previous names were Short Elvis and Innocent Criminals) with Ben Gillies and Chris Joannou in 1992. In true fairytale form, the band won a notional demo competition which promptly led to a major label record deal. Since then, the teenage sensations (all three members are between 15 and 16) have become the pride of Australia, where their debut LP, frogstomp, has resided at the Number One slot for most of the year. In America, besides being MTV staples, the album has sold a cool 850,000 copies, eclipsing even Michael Jackson's History. They're currently making waves in the U.K. following a couple of club shows, and an impressive performance at the last month's Reading Festival.

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